Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: itching, redness, burning, flaking skin. 10 mg, 20 mg. Dosing and Administration of drugs: use externally; ointment applied to affected skin 2 - 3 g / day. Dosing and Administration of drugs: the preparation is applied to thoroughly cleaned and dried skin of 2 g / day; medication should be applied in sufficient but not excessive, amount (approximately 2.5 cm from the squeezed tube of cream is enough for the whole surface of the face) in the event of excessive skin irritation should decrease the number or cream that is applied or the frequency of the drug to 1 g / day in the disappearance of irritation, the duration of treatment varies depending on the individual picture of the disease and carditioner determined the degree of its severity, in patients with acne noticeable improvement is observed as Generally, after about 4 weeks, however, for optimal results, recommended medication continuously for several months in treatment melazmy minimum period of approximately 3 months. Method Ultrasound Scan production of drugs: cap. Method of production of drugs: gel 1%. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: AR. Method of production of drugs: Cream for external use only 20%, 15% gel for external use. Dosing and Administration of drugs: prescribed local adults and adolescents over 12 years in local precipitation, 1 g / day, at night, the therapeutic effect develops after 4-8 weeks of treatment, steady improvement - after 3 months of treatment. Pharmacotherapeutic group: D10BA01 - agents for systemic acne treatment. Pharmacotherapeutic group: D02AB01 - Dermatological preparations of mitigating and protective action. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: softening, protective effect, with local application reduces signs of inflammation and irritation of the skin, softens and dried it, and determine the effect of the drug components that form a protective coating on the skin, thus reducing the impact of urine and other irritants carditioner the affected area of skin and warned appearance of a rash, the drug provides protection from moisture, it is proved that the drug quickly gives positive results seen in pelyushkovyh eruptions in infants. Pharmacotherapeutic group: D10AB02 - Means used in dermatology. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug. Indications for use drugs: seborrhea, sycosis, mycosis, psoriasis, scabies.
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